BRONNEN > DA Converters > Audio Aero Prima DAC Preamp

Audio Aero Prima DAC Preamp

Beschrijving / Description

Prima D/A Converter 24/192 has been designed with the idea to equal the new digital formats.
Therefore, Audio Aero included the state-of-the-art in digital processing : the exclusive STARS process (Solution for Time Abstraction Re Sampling), a combination of very high speed 192 kHz RE-sampling (a new jitter free clock is created), 24 bit re-quantization and signal enhancement techniques (extraction of hidden information from 16 bit data, improvement of dynamics, precision, soundstage and details), developed for Audio Aero by Swiss company Anagram Technologies SA.

The core of the system is a 32 bit floating point SHARC DSP which by performing hundred millions of calculations per second, rebuilds a high precision 24/192kHz signal, independent from the input clock, and keeping total dynamic range in all stages.
Then, after a 1024 times up-sampling on demand, D/A conversion is performed at 6,144MHz by the latest advanced segments 24 bit / 192 kHz DAC from Burr-Brown.
The analogue stage features sub-miniature tubes and high precision buffer for a perfect match between high-tech digital treatment and musicality. "

Application: The Prima DAC is excellent for systems that either already have or are getting a quality transport but want to add the Capitole's musicality to their system.

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Specificaties / Specifications

1024 times up-sampling,
Conversion is performed at 6,144MHz, Analogue output stage
Frequency range (with 16/44.1 input signal) : 7 Hz - 20 kHz (- 1dB)
Frequency range (with 24/96 input signal) : 3 Hz - 48 kHz (- 1dB)
Output voltage : up to 5.0 V RMS
Output impedance : 100 ohms
Signal to noise ratio : 125dB
Total harmonic distortion : < 0,3 %
Power supply : 100 / 120 / 230 / 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz selected at factory.
Power consumption : 25W
Technology : Exclusive STARS process for 24 bit / 192 kHz re-sampling using SHARC DSP 32 bit floating point
Supported wordwidth (digital input): 16, 18, 20 and 24 bit
Supported sampling frequencies (digital input) : 32, 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz
Analog Devices AD1853JRS 24 bit / 192 kHz Digital to Analog converter
High quality IC analog attenuator
Balance control
6021W subminiature tube output stage and high quality buffer
Analog outputs : single-ended RCA and professional line driver XLR
Digital inputs : BNC, RCA, AES/EBU, AT&T and TOSLINK
Digital output:: inside player or any of the digital inputs by a BNC plug
Chassis and cover : 15/10 steel
Weight : 8 kg. / 17.4 lbs.
Dimensions (WxLxH): 435 x 320 x 95 mm / 17.12 x 12.

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