VERSTERKERS > Geintegreerd > Audio Analogue AAcentro

Audio Analogue AAcentro

Beschrijving / Description

AAcento is the only amplifier in the PureAA line. This line of products was created to recall the philosophy used in the most successful Audio Analogue products: the simple design together with the reference sound performance to create products with the best value for money available on the market.

Thanks to the collaboration with Airtech laboratories for the development of the
Anniversary line, some ideas have been taken for this new line that unlike the Anniversary line, where each model was created to do in the best way what it was designed for, in the PureAA line, the goal is also to make products with a wider number of functions and connections in order to attract the interest of
users who seek these features in a single product.

This is simple to understand by looking at the functions described here, as well as it is easy to understand that everything has been done with extreme care and uncompromising solutions, very difficult to find in products of this category
and price range.

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Specificaties / Specifications

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