VERSTERKERS > Eindversterkers > Manley Snapper

Manley Snapper

Beschrijving / Description

This brilliant design features a quartet of EL-34s per chassis in a fully-differential circuit topology. The Snapper can be driven full balanced all the way through via the XLR inputs. The unbalanced RCAs can also be used in this special topology with equally impressive results. These svelte monoblocks will impress the listener with their incredible purity and detail retrieval while retaining the special magic that can only come from tube design. A new output transformer, custom wound by Manley Labs, ensures continuous full-power bandwidth output of 100 watts down to 18 cycles!

These amps are produced as identical twins not mirror images. Bend your knees when you pick them up: these big Snappers weigh in at an official 45 lbs. each. The faceplate and four pointed legs are anodized in an understated but elegant violet pewter. The lethal voltages are safely contained in a black, wrinkle-painted box, slightly deeper than wide, with the two front corners cut off. A back-lit Manley nameplate is proudly displayed on the front panel. A pair of input tubes and four tall capacitors run down the centerline and are flanked by two pairs of EL-34 power tubes, with plenty of cooling space between them.

The power and output transformers at the back of the chassis are conventional in appearance: black, unpotted and extra large. The back panel has two surfaces: the upper one is angled at about 45 degrees; below, it's vertical. The massive WBT speaker binding posts, RCA and XLR input jacks and a pair of miniature toggle switches for selecting balanced/unbalanced inputs are located on the upper, angled surface. A rocker switch for power on/off, and the IEC power cord socket reside on the vertical surface, side-by-side. There is no tube cage.

The Snappers use EL-34 power pentodes connected in Ultralinear or enhanced triode mode. This means that the tube's screen grid is connected to a tap near 43% on the output transformer's
primary. This makes the tube operate with characteristics somewhere between pentode and triode. Compared to pentode operation, power is down about 30% but harmonic distortion is greatly reduced as well. As the Snappers operate in parallel push-pull configuration, the four power tubes are said to
give 100 watts per channel from 15 Hz to 40 kHz.

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Specificaties / Specifications

100 Watt ultra-linear EL-34 output stage is tolerant of a wider variety of output load conditions than pure pentode.
Precise and balanced signal path from input to output. Circuit self-balances with either single-ended or balanced inputs. [Don't let either speaker terminal contact chassis, earth or any other ground.
Switch-selectable RCA unbalanced inputs, or XLR balanced inputs. RCA jack input impedance about 330 kOhms, XLR 15 kOhms. If one input is not occupied, the input selector switch may then be used as a poor-man's MUTE switch. Handy for checking the bias, swapping input cables, etc..
Input Sensitivity RCA jack: 750 mV RMS for full output into 5 Ohms
Input Sensitivity RCA jack: 71 mV RMS for 1 watt output into 8 Ohms
Input Sensitivity XLR jack: 1.5 V RMS for full output into 5 Ohms
Overall voltage gain RCA jack to Output: 31 dBu, or about 32 volts per volt.
Signal to A-weighted noise ratio on Humberto's bench is about 110 dB.
Damping Factor: 4.7
All-balanced amp topology keeps B+ voltage variations from degrading the performance of the input and driver stages. This technique can help make a push-pull amplifier very revealing of signal detail, in part by canceling power-supply-related perturbations and increasing signal-to-noise ratios.
Portly 180 Joule energy storage reservoir in the main B+ supply channel for explosive transient response and athletic musical stamina. Also reduces B+ fluctuations due to varying current demands of output stage.
Wideband transformerless balanced input with bridged 15 kOhm input impedance. Balanced input sensitivity may be selected by changing one resistor to suit whatever operating level may be required. 0 dBu, +4, +8, etc... If desired, the user may safely ground either pin 2 or 3 for single-ended drive of the balanced XLR input... [Be careful NOT to drive pins 2 and 3 of the XLR with a large common-mode signal, or the internal B+ fuse could blow.]
Amp actually puts out 110W @ 5 Ohm load @ 2 kHz @ onset of clipping, 117 VAC mains voltage, 3.5 amps mains current.
100 W spec: 15 Hz - 40 kHz into 5 Ohms
Puts out 100W into an 8 Ohm load.

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