VERSTERKERS > Voorversterkers > Omak Jewel Two

Omak Jewel Two

Beschrijving / Description

This is a passive control unit, consisting of two independent input selectors for listening and recording, and a presize 24-step volume control. The unit is assembled in heavy aluminium alloy case and handles 5 inputs and two tape loops. The input sensitivity of OMAK JEWEL amps is sufficient for operation from most line-level sources via this passive control.

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Specificaties / Specifications

Number of inputs 5
Number of outputs 3
Number of selectors 2
Volume control, 24-step 60 dB \ 22 kOhm
Dimensions, mm 483 x 240 x 94
Weight 3.5 kg

Staat van product / State
Tweedehands / Second hand
Prijs / Price
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