The Threshold FET-10/PC is a standalone phono preamplifier that was meant to be partnered with the FET-10/HL linestage. With the use of internal dip switches it features adjustable gain for MM or MC cartridges and adjustable capacitance. Designed by the great Nelson Pass in the mid-80s, the 10/PC is a statement piece and the build quality certainly shows that - outboard power supplies, hand selected parts, a frickin' gold plated circuit board, and a RIAA curve that is within .25dB.
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Resistance Loading:
#1 - 22 ohms
#2 - 47 ohms
#3 - 100 ohms
#4 - 1,000 ohms
1-4 OFF = 47k ohms (ie, MM cartridge)
Capacitance Loading:
#5 - 1,000 picofards
#6 - 250 picofarads
#7 - 150 picofarads
#8 - 100 picofarads
5-8 OFF = 50 picofarads
To set the gain, locate the two jumper sliders on the middle left of the board. These are colored blue and each cover two pins of a three gold plated prong.
For highest gain, each jumper slide is positioned towards the center of the preamplifer. In this case the exposed pins are those nearest to the front and back of the preamplifier.
For 20dB less gain, the jumpers are located away from each other and toward the back and front of the preamplifier. The exposed pins will be nearest to the center of the preamplifier.