VERSTERKERS > Voorversterkers > VAC CPA-1 mkII


Beschrijving / Description

For your consideration we have a Rare VAC CPA-1 MK II Pre-Amplifier Triod Tube Pre Amp by "Valve Amplification Company" and Original Power Source.

The VAC CPA1 Mk II is quite simply one of the world's finest pre-amplifiers. Audio signals are at their most fragile in the pre-amplifier. Great care must be taken to preserve the original music without degradation, for even the best power amplifier in the world can not recreate magic lost in a pre-amplifier. From the separate 22 pound regulated separate power supply to pure Class A triode audio path, no aspect of performance or design has been neglected in the CPA1. The phono stage has switch selectable phono impedance, capacitance, and gain (up to 65 dB) for quick optimization with almost any cartridge. The line stage offers three gain modes (up to 19 dB), including a buffered-passive mode using just a single Class A triode cable driver. Dual mono stepped level controls ensure transparency and spacious sound staging. Connections include five line inputs, one tube buffered tape loop, dual main outputs (for biamping), and optional balanced outputs. The CPA1 Mk II is one of an elite few pre-amplifiers capable of reproducing recorded music.

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Specificaties / Specifications

Phono gain: 65 / 55 / 39 dB switchable
Line gain: 18.5 / 9 / -.75 dB switchable
Frequency Response: Phono RIAA +/-.15 dB, 20Kz-20kHz
Frequency Response: Line Section 7.5Hz-180kHz +0/-0. 5 dB
Tubes: CPA1 Mk II - 6 x 12AX7, 2 x 12AU7, 2 x 6DJ8
CLA1 Mk II - 2 x 12AX7, 2 x 12AU7
CPP1 Mk II - 4 x 12AX7, 2 x 6DJ8
Size: 18"W x 6"H x 15"D main chassis
7"W x 6.5"H x 13"D power supply
Weight: 30 lbs. main chassis, 26 lbs. supply chassis

Staat van product

€ 3.690,00