VERSTERKERS > Voorversterkers > Mark Levinson No.326S

Mark Levinson No.326S

Beschrijving / Description

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The No.326S has three pairs of balanced inputs on XLRs and four single-ended inputs on RCAs. Signals passed through the latter are internally converted to balanced operation before being fed to the two volume-control daughterboards (one for each channel), these also made of Arlon 25. Precision surface-mount resistors, controlled by a front-panel shaft encoder, are used to provide 1dB steps for the bottom 23dB of the volume control's 80dB range, and 0.1dB steps for the top 57dB. The volume control can be bypassed for each input for home-theater use, and the maximum gain for each input can be set from 0dB to 18dB, in three 6dB steps.

The left- and right-channel audio circuits are physically separated, and there are balanced and an unbalanced output jacks at each end of the rear panel. The input jacks are mirror-imaged (ie, input 1 is on the outside and input 7 on the inside

for each channel), and in the center of the rear panel are the control, communication, and tape output jacks and a ground terminal. If the optional phono boards are installed, these take the place of the single-ended line input 7.

Overall, the No.326S's quality of construction is superb, as you'd expect from a preamp of this heritage and price.

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Specificaties / Specifications

Nelco N4000-13 SI main circuit board
Aux output path: 1 XLR and 1 RCA stereo pairs w/ fixed/variable volume and independent source selection.
Independent audio circuits, communication circuits and power supplies for each channel
Seven configurable inputs including four single-ended (RCA) inputs and three balanced (XLR) inputs
Main outputs: 2 XLR and 2 RCA stereo pairs (identical w/ volume).
Ethernet, RS-232, IR and 12V trigger system control ports. Includes system remote control.
Separate main and record outputs
Complete surround-sound-processor integration

Frequency Response 10 to 40kHz, +/-0.2 dB
Input Impedance 100k Ohm
Height 2.92 inch (74.04mm)
Width 17.75 inch (450.85mm)
Depth 13.58 inch (344.91mm)
Weight 30lb (14kg)
Communication and Control 2 8-pin RJ-45 connectors for Link communication; 1 6-pin modular RJ-11 connector for RS-232 communication; 1 3.5mm mini-jack for trigger output; 1 3.5mm mini-jack for ir input
Analog Audio Inputs 3 balanced (female XLR) stereo inputs; 4 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo inputs
Analog Audio Outputs 1 balanced (male XLR) stereo main output; 1 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo main output; 2 single-ended (Mark Levinson-RCA) stereo record outputs
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) 0.001%
Crosstalk -94dBV, 20Hz to 20KHz input terminated
Gain 0, 6, 12, or 18dB line-level stage
Output Impedance < 50k Ohm
Power Requirements 100, 120, 220, or 230V AC power at 50 or 60Hz (preset)

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Tweedehands / Second hand
Prijs / Price
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