PLATENSPELERS > Phonoversterkers > Trichord Research Dino mm-mc

Trichord Research Dino mm-mc

Beschrijving / Description

The Trichord Dino is a stereo phono amplifier for moving coil or moving magnet cartridges.

The unit uses fully passive RIAA equalisation between two active gain stages.

The Dino can be powered by either an AC or DC power supply.

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Specificaties / Specifications

Loading resistance: 33, 100, 1k or 47k ohms
Loading capacitance: 1.1nF (MC), 100pF (MC)
Gain: 48, 52, 63, 70 or 74dB
RIAA characteristics: 20Hz to 20kHz
AC supply: 0-17V, 0-17V 50/60Hz
DC supply: 0-22V, 0-22V
Dimensions: 130 x 58 x 112mm

Staat van product

€ 390,00